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Training & Exchanges
2024 Korea-United States Journalists Exchange 2024 Korea-United States Journalists Exchange
Sep 19, 2024 - Sep 28, 2024

Part of: Korea-United States Journalists Exchange


Theme: Balancing US-Korea Relations in an Election Year
Dates: September 19-28, 2024
US Destinations: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC
Korea Destinations: Seoul, Busan, and the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

The East-West Center is pleased to announce the 2024 Korea-United States Journalists Exchange (KUSJE), scheduled for September 19–28, 2024.

At present, US-ROK relations are exceptionally strong. Despite South Korean President Yoon representing a conservative party and his US counterpart President Biden representing a progressive party, the two governments have compatible approaches toward North Korea. President Yoon is also relatively tough on China and willing to prioritize strategic cooperation with Japan, which pleases Washington. Although President Yoon’s ability to implement his domestic agenda may be at risk due to his coalition falling short of achieving a majority in the April 10, 2024 National Assembly elections, his government still controls foreign policy-making, and from the beginning of his term, he has seemed determined to pursue his vision for ROK foreign relations even without a strong domestic mandate. The US Presidential election in November, however, could dramatically reset Korea-US relations. Candidate and former US president, Donald J. Trump, has a well-known history of being dissatisfied with the US-ROK alliance, and a second term for candidate Trump could present a challenge for Seoul and relations between the US and South Korea.

The 2024 Exchange marks the continued importance of the Korea-US relationship. With a focus on Balancing US-Korea Relations in an Election Year, this 16th exchange will look at the current issues related to US-Korea relations, including the strategic Korea-US military alliance, the state of US-Japan-ROK relations and strategic cooperation, US and Korea foreign policy, and the continued threat from North Korea. Coordinated meetings and visits will also provide journalists with an extensive knowledge and understanding of the US and South Korea presidential and parliamentary election process, policy issues, and voter attitudes, thereby enhancing their coverage of each election’s potential impact to US-Korea relations. Six Korean journalists will travel to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC and six US journalists will travel to Seoul, Busan, and the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea to meet with government and business leaders, academics, non-governmental organizations, media, and other members of the community. Following these study tours, all of the journalists will meet for a final dialogue at the East-West Center in Washington to report on their travel experiences and perspectives, and exchange opinions on how media coverage of US-Korea issues can be improved.


The 2024 Korea-United States Journalists Exchange is funded by The East-West Center and the Korea Press Foundation. Sponsors will cover the following programmatic costs:

  • All international and domestic airfare
  • Ground transportation and airport transfers
  • Lodging in each of the study-tour destinations
  • Program-related meals
  • Cultural activities and networking opportunities
  • Interpretation services during the study tour

US participants are responsible for paying a program fee of $650.00 each and covering their health insurance and airline baggage charges.

COVID-19 Safety Policy

All participants must comply with the East-West Center Covid-19 Assumption Of Risk, Liability Waiver, And Release Of Claims For Participation In EWC Activities And Events and the COVID-19 Safety Policy.

Part of: Korea-United States Journalists Exchange


Theme: Balancing US-Korea Relations in an Election Year
Dates: September 19-28, 2024
US Destinations: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC
Korea Destinations: Seoul, Busan, and the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)

The East-West Center is pleased to announce the 2024 Korea-United States Journalists Exchange (KUSJE), scheduled for September 19–28, 2024.

At present, US-ROK relations are exceptionally strong. Despite South Korean President Yoon representing a conservative party and his US counterpart President Biden representing a progressive party, the two governments have compatible approaches toward North Korea. President Yoon is also relatively tough on China and willing to prioritize strategic cooperation with Japan, which pleases Washington. Although President Yoon’s ability to implement his domestic agenda may be at risk due to his coalition falling short of achieving a majority in the April 10, 2024 National Assembly elections, his government still controls foreign policy-making, and from the beginning of his term, he has seemed determined to pursue his vision for ROK foreign relations even without a strong domestic mandate. The US Presidential election in November, however, could dramatically reset Korea-US relations. Candidate and former US president, Donald J. Trump, has a well-known history of being dissatisfied with the US-ROK alliance, and a second term for candidate Trump could present a challenge for Seoul and relations between the US and South Korea.

The 2024 Exchange marks the continued importance of the Korea-US relationship. With a focus on Balancing US-Korea Relations in an Election Year, this 16th exchange will look at the current issues related to US-Korea relations, including the strategic Korea-US military alliance, the state of US-Japan-ROK relations and strategic cooperation, US and Korea foreign policy, and the continued threat from North Korea. Coordinated meetings and visits will also provide journalists with an extensive knowledge and understanding of the US and South Korea presidential and parliamentary election process, policy issues, and voter attitudes, thereby enhancing their coverage of each election’s potential impact to US-Korea relations. Six Korean journalists will travel to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC and six US journalists will travel to Seoul, Busan, and the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea to meet with government and business leaders, academics, non-governmental organizations, media, and other members of the community. Following these study tours, all of the journalists will meet for a final dialogue at the East-West Center in Washington to report on their travel experiences and perspectives, and exchange opinions on how media coverage of US-Korea issues can be improved.


The 2024 Korea-United States Journalists Exchange is funded by The East-West Center and the Korea Press Foundation. Sponsors will cover the following programmatic costs:

  • All international and domestic airfare
  • Ground transportation and airport transfers
  • Lodging in each of the study-tour destinations
  • Program-related meals
  • Cultural activities and networking opportunities
  • Interpretation services during the study tour

US participants are responsible for paying a program fee of $650.00 each and covering their health insurance and airline baggage charges.

COVID-19 Safety Policy

All participants must comply with the East-West Center Covid-19 Assumption Of Risk, Liability Waiver, And Release Of Claims For Participation In EWC Activities And Events and the COVID-19 Safety Policy.