Training & Exchanges
2024 Asia Pacific Leadership Program, Generation 22 2024 Asia Pacific Leadership Program, Generation 22
Apr 24, 2024 - Sep 13, 2024
APLP Generation 22 social image
Asia Pacific Leadership Program

The Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) is proud to introduce the 2024 fellows of the 22nd cohort (Generation 22/G22). As a signature program of the East-West Center, the APLP has been bringing together diverse individuals who want to co-create a future that is peaceful, prosperous, and just for over 20 years. Through virtual and place-based learning, this year's 26 fellows from 17 countries practice leadership strategies that enhance personal, team, and community effectiveness.

Program Dates

  • Pre-Residency Virtual Connection: April 24-June19
  • Residency in Hawaii: June 20-August 16
    • includes a fellow-led field study within the Hawaiian Islands
  • Post-Residency Virtual Connection: August 17-September 13

Meet Generation 22

2024 Asia Pacific Leadership Program, Generation 22, Cohort
The fellows of the 2024 Asia Pacific Leadership Program. 26 fellows from 17 countries.
AFRIDI, Mahwish - 2024 APLP Fellow

Mahwish AFRIDI (Pakistan), a social entrepreneur at heart, is the founder of Femonics, a gender lab for inclusive socio-economic reforms serving communities since 2009. As a Technical Advisor for UN Women, she played an instrumental role in developing Pakistan's first ever women’s entrepreneurship policy, to foster an equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem. She has extensive experience with multinational corporations such as Facebook and Campos Creative Works, coupled with on-ground experience in serving communities. As Deputy Country Director at Hashoo Foundation, Mahwish collaborates with INGOs, government, and academia on impactful community projects across Pakistan. Through her social enterprises, Femonics and Naricst, she creates economic opportunities for women and advocates for gender-sensitive policy reforms. She is an executive board member in the Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and is involved in Facebook's Community Leadership Circles and USAID's Women Leadership in Trade Policy initiative. Notable endeavors include joining a global campaign to bridge the content gender gap on Wikipedia from Pakistan, and initiating policy initiatives for the protection and promotion of women-led indigenous crafts. From working with Afghan refugees to serving the women in the remotest areas of Pakistan, she is dedicated to driving positive change and empowering women in Pakistan.

BACHIKH, Asma - 2024 APLP Fellow

Asma BACHIKH (Morocco) is an international development professional with a background in water resources management. She currently works at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as an investment associate focusing on water infrastructure projects in South and Southeast Asia. Asma previously worked for international organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). She holds an MSc in water science policy and management from the University of Oxford and a Master of Law in China studies with a major in international relations and politics from Peking University. By joining the APLP Asma hopes to enhance her leadership skills, actively experiment with diverse leadership concepts and tools, foster personal growth, and cultivate a supportive community through experiential learning and real-world case studies in applied leadership. Her primary objective is to both learn from and enrich the collective diversity of the cohort, empowering each member to reach their full potential.

Pratibedan BAIDYA (Nepal) is a development professional working in the field of community development and humanitarian assistance. He has nearly two decades of professional experience in grassroot NGOs, INGOs, and UN Agencies in Nepal and abroad. He has worked with UN Agencies in Uganda, Sudan, and Somalia supporting refugees and poor and marginalized communities fighting hunger and exclusion. Back home, he supports local NGOs working in the fields of community empowerment, organizations of persons with disabilities (mostly psychosocial), and women-led grassroot organizations, by enhancing their capacities on fundraising, and organizational development. Nepal’s population is aging, and the social safety net is very poor. Pratibedan hopes to establish an organization focusing on the rights of senior citizens and demonstrate a model that could be replicated by the government and other organizations. As he is trying to shift his career into setting up a new project for senior citizens, Pratibedan is committed to actively participate in APLP and learn from the experience of participants from across the region.

Rup Kumar BK (Nepal) is a seasoned development professional currently serving as the Cluster Team Leader at United Mission to Nepal. In this role, he oversees an interdisciplinary team of project managers responsible for implementing development and humanitarian projects. With a master’s degree in rural development and certification in project management, Rup brings over a decade of experience managing projects ranging from development initiatives to emergency responses. His expertise lies in project management, capacity building, and stakeholder coordination. His notable achievements include the successful implementation of the Nepal Trade Integration Strategy in 2010, achieved through effective coordination with donors and government-line ministries. In addition, Rup has played a key role in initiating the government's enrollment process to expedite post-earthquake reconstruction efforts and contributed to peace-building initiatives by sharing learnings among NGOs in South Asia. Committed to fostering sustainable change, Rup is dedicated to advancing peace and prosperity in the Indo-Asia Pacific region through collaborative initiatives and impactful interventions.

Nan CHEN (China) is the Co-founder and Deputy Secretary-General of Zhilan Foundation, which provides small, flexible, and long-term funding support to frontline researchers and practitioners. In this role, Nan creates the funding and branding strategy for the foundation. Prior to joining the Zhilan Foundation, Nan earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Beijing University of Technology in 2005; worked as a journalist, brand, and PR consultant for more than 10 years; and co-founded a local PR agency. Nan aims to continue to work with the foundation to enlighten more frontline conservationists to protect China's biodiversity and the Earth and support them in sharing their community-based local conservation experience with people in Indo-Asia Pacific region.

Tomomi CHINEN (Japan) has been a member of the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education for 20 years. She has a bachelor of arts degree from Oberlin University in Tokyo in English, and American language and literature.  She currently teaches at Naha Kokusai Senior High School. During her teaching career, Tomomi has worked on numerous exchange programs. She was a chaperone of the Hawaii-Okinawa High School Student Exchange Program in 2009, the 1st Kumejima-Konawaena High School Student Exchange Program in 2013, and many more. She hopes to improve her leadership skills during APLP, as well as learn how to unite members and deal with the social issues in the Asia-Pacific regions by immersing herself in the program’s many multi-field classes. As a participant, her goal is to enhance her skills and career and to contribute to society as an English teacher of future generations in the Asia-Pacific region. She also hopes to contribute to the diversity of the participants and to help all the members achieve their goals. 

Yumiko "Yumi" CRISOSTOMO (Marshall Islands) is a Program Officer from Ebeye, Kwajalein supporting the implementation of Marshall Islands/World Bank (RMI/WB) projects ranging from infrastructure to early childhood development. She played a key role in the development of the Ebeye Seawall Project funded under the RMI/WB PREPII Project; this is a major response to climate change by local leadership, the communities, and the RMI Government. She graduated with a BA in health science from the University of Hawai‘i Hilo, with a diploma from the Australian National University in international environmental law and policy and, through work, has gained experiences in project management, planning, safeguards, and policy development. She helped Kwajalein by successfully managing an RMI/ADB Fixtures Project which installed and connected 126 households to the salt water and sewage network systems; building restrooms servicing 1,500 people. There is now improved data on water-borne diseases and safety of children and women. As an APLP participant, she looks forward to gaining better leadership skills and helping participants plan and think strategically to achieve their goals

Mahima DUGGAL (India) is a doctoral researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg, and an Associated Research Fellow at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) in Stockholm. Previously, she was an Associate Fellow at the Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS), the think tank of the Indian Air Force, in New Delhi. Ms. Duggal is a former Fellow of the Emerging Leaders program of the National Institute of Unification Education (Ministry of Unification of South Korea), as well as the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Centre for Security Studies (DKI-APCSS) in Hawai‘i. She holds a master’s in international security from the University of Warwick. Ms. Duggal’s work is focused on promoting peace and security in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, with her current project investigating Europe’s engagement with the region. Through interactions with the diverse cohort of the APLP, Ms. Duggal hopes to proactively engage with challenges facing the region and build leadership capacities to address them. 

Nikka GUNADHARMA (Indonesia) is part of the communications team of Konservasi Indonesia (KI) in the Sahul-Papua Ecoregion, with a focus on both marine and terrestrial conservation programs in Raja Ampat, South Sorong, and the Provinces of Southwest and West Papua in general. Nikka studied law, focusing on international humanitarian law and as an undergraduate student was always passionate about socio-political activism. Over 14 years, he moved eastward from Java to Bali and eventually to Papua, working with local communities on nature conservation and natural resources management. Participating in APLP would positively contribute to his future work for KI and, hopefully, the local communities in Papua. Nikka plans work with these communities to refine their local wisdom and develop the capacity to preserve Papua’s natural beauty and sustainably manage its abundant natural resources. He firmly believes that climate justice can only be achieved through multiple sectors implemented in parallel and that it should also include the right to benefit from environmental services and to participate in the decision-making process regarding natural resources.

HATCHER, Jase - 2024 APLP Fellow

Jasetyn “Jase” HATCHER (USA) is a Senior Campaigner on the Oceans Team at Friends of the Earth, an international environmental organization dedicated to bold systems change for people and planet. Master’s qualified in conflict resolution, transformation, and management (Conflictology) through the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Jase has over 10 years of global experience spanning public policy, nonprofit services, and public education. She is passionate about co-creating strategies for systems change inclusive of all identities (e.g. gender/sexual, religious, ethnic, racial, ability) that hold corporations and governments to account and empower historically excluded communities. She is a dual resident of the US and Aotearoa (New Zealand) and spent most of her adult life living and working in Aotearoa, South Korea, and Ecuador. Jase is committed to leading transformative policy and systems reform alongside communities most impacted by climate change worldwide, with a special focus on the Arctic and Indo-Asia-Pacific regions.

Liah JOHN (Vanuatu) is the Acting Secretary General of the SHEFA Provincial Government Council since September 2022. After completing a bachelor of arts degree in social work and sociology in 2009 at the University of the South Pacific and Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, Liah secured a scholarship to complete a master of arts degree in social policy and administration at the University of the South Pacific in 2015. She is passionate about community development and the approaches of government and its stakeholders to service delivery. In past jobs, Liah worked mainly in livelihood programs and coordination of community-driven local development activities. She spent five years in private sector, four years in non-government organizations (NGO) and the last seven years with the Government of Vanuatu working on policy formulation on government service delivery. She has strong communication skills and strategic approaches to planning, implementation, coordination and reporting of service delivery, and ensuring that good governance is upheld.

“Liza Mary” MAY THET THET OO (Myanmar) is a member of UNICEF Myanmar Country Office, Education Officer for Early Learning. She has a master’s of communicative English from Ramkhamhaeng University in Bangkok, Thailand. Language, culture, and traditions are her passions, as well as embracing diversity. In her professional position, Ms. May Thet Thet Oo has helped with policy and strategic planning of early childhood care, development, and interventions. She hopes to improve her leadership skills during APLP, as well as learn how to reach a consensus by immersing herself in the program’s many multi-field classes. As a participant her goal is to learn from and contribute to the diversity of the cohort and to help all the members achieve their goals.

Nor Fadilah MOHAMED NIZAR (Malaysia) started her career working in various Ministries for the Government of Malaysia. In 2015, Fadilah chose to focus on women’s empowerment initiatives in Malaysia. Presently, she holds the position of Founder & Director of Jeiwa Global Resources, and introduced the brand “Tiffin Jeiwa”, a high-quality hand-painted stainless steel homeware. Operated on a social enterprise model, all products are hand painted with non-toxic colors, by members of vulnerable communities such as people with disabilities, domestic violence survivors, and artisans who lost their source of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Profit from the social enterprise is channeled to fund the Johor Empowerment of Intellectual Women Association (JEIWA), an organization to empower women by giving hope, love, and solutions to whatever situation a woman might face. Its main mission is to empower women towards creativity and self-development, and in turn contribute to national development. 

NEHA (India) is a lawyer and sustainability expert focused on “People, Planet, and Prosperity”.  As a former international civil servant, Neha has been involved in international affairs, multilateral diplomacy, policymaking, and development efforts towards SDGs on a global scale. Founder and CEO of FemTech Partners and the author behind "One Stop: The Untold Story of Super Apps", her expertise lies in advocating for financial inclusivity, gender equality, and sustainability within the fintech landscape. With a robust background in financial regulations and international affairs, Neha's work stands as a driving force advocating for technology's role in reshaping finance, empowering voices, and fostering a more equitable and sustainable future in the fintech sphere.

Satoko OSHIRO (Japan) is a member of the Okinawa Peace Assistance Center in Okinawa, Japan. She has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of the Ryukyus. Over the past six years, Satoko has dedicated herself to advancing in the field of global education. She desires to develop her leadership abilities and give back to her organization and community. She is eager to contribute to mutual learning with the APLP participants from the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, as part of her personal journey of exploration, she aims to forge deeper connections with the Uchinanchu community—comprising Okinawan immigrants and their descendants—in Hawai‘i. 

Rosalvina “Rosi” OTALORA CORTES (Colombia) is a research professor at the Law School of the Libre University of Colombia and a member of the Research Group on Labor Law and International Standards. She coordinates the research in economy, conflict, and peace in the student group (Semillero). She is also a Rotary Peace Fellow and Global Peace Index Ambassador (Institute for Economics and Peace, IEP). As an educator and peacebuilder, she hopes to strengthen her leadership skills to contribute to the development of leadership for peace in her country. At APLP she wants to contribute her experience and learn from the wonderful cultural exchange that the program provides.

Md Harun Or RASHID (Bangladesh) is a young bureaucrat working as a Senior Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Public Administration. He has a master of public policy from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Japan and an MSc in maritime affairs from the World Maritime University in Sweden. In his professional position, Mr. Harun served as an administrative head of a sub-district in Bangladesh where he played a vital role in developing primary education in rural areas. He hopes to improve his leadership skills during APLP, as well as learn how to build relationships for creating a better world with other emerging leaders from different countries. 

Astra RUSHTON-ALLAN (New Zealand) is a Senior Project Manager - Climate Ocean Policy at Climateworks Centre based in Melbourne, Australia. She has a bachelor of arts (honors) in anthropology from the University of Auckland. In her professional position, Miss Rushton-Allan works with the government in Indonesia to raise the ambition of their next nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement. She hopes to improve her leadership skills during APLP, as well as learn how to embed place-based theory into her work, by immersing herself in the program’s many multi-field classes. As a participant in APLP her goal is to learn from and contribute to the diversity of the cohort and to help all the members achieve their goals. 

Anastasha SCHIELZETH (USA) is a counselor and practitioner in private practice and serves as a facilitator and consultant in the community, prioritizing ‘whole-listic’ health and well-being. She is currently an ally and steward of Puʻuhonua O Punanaʻula, a wahi pana dedicated in fostering life, hope, and healing for all people. After earning her master’s in counseling psychology from Bastyr University, Anastasha returned to Hawai‘i in 2019 to give back to the communities that shaped her, thus reconnecting with our first ancestor, ʻāina. Her work has since grown alongside AANHPI youth, families, and community members across various sectors such as the Hawai‘i Department of Education, mental health initiatives, place-based learning, and emerging technologies. Her approach centers on storytelling, expressive arts, and trauma & healing-informed care rooted in Aloha. She has collaborated with organizations such as, Kaʻala Cultural Learning Center, PLACES Hawaii, Purple Maiʻa Foundation, Compassionate Ko‘olaupoko, and Kōkua Kalihi Valley. Anastasha believes that cultivating a Puʻuhonua— a sanctuary within – is at the core of our health and wholeness. As an emerging leader, she is grateful to continue to lead a life well-loved and actively restore hope for the next generation to thrive.

Pratibha SINGH (New Zealand) is the Survey Engagement and Operations Lead at the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI), a global collaboration between human rights practitioners and measurement experts to track the performance of governments around the world as per their international legal obligations. Ms. Singh holds a master of indigenous studies with first class honors and a bachelor of global studies from Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland. She has over half a decade of professional and volunteer leadership experience in social and environmental justice spaces, having been part of organizing an international peace conference, establishing community spaces, and representing youth in various international fora, including the 4th Asia Europe Foundations Young Leader’s Summit. In 2018, she was selected as one of top 100 changemakers globally by Future Talks Foundation to host the Future of Peace session at the Oslo conference and undertake an expedition to the Arctic. She hopes to deepen collaborative research practices through stronger relationship-building and center anti-oppressive and decolonial aims. She looks forward to being in community with other APLP fellows and practicing transformative leadership strategies to bring forth a more just future. 

Kert STAVORN (Malaysia) is a partner of Haris & Associates and Capital 9 Ventures. He is also the co-founder of Thai Legaltech X, a community of like-minded lawyers and technologists working at the intersection of law. Kert is a lawyer interested in how emerging technologies can help create greater access to justice, particularly for marginalized and indigenous communities in the Asia Pacific region and consults in ESG matters and promote conscious and sustainable investment. From the technology side, He is keen to ensure that minority groups do not become further marginalized by the inevitable rise of AI, and that the redistribution of benefits of AI is shared fairly. Kert’s vision for the future is one where AI is used to serve humanity efficiently but justly; where everyone, irrespective of their background, can live fulfilling and purposeful lives for the betterment of humankind.

Netra TAMANG (Nepal) is a senior reporter at With a master’s degree in mass communication and journalism, he has over 10 years of experience in journalism, writing, and social service. He is an IRE Conference Fellow-2020, organized by the Missouri school of Journalism. He has written 20 illustrated story books for children. His future goals include educating girls and children and elevating his career as an editor in the newsroom. He also aims to serve the Tamang community, which has 1.6 million people in Nepal. Getting involved in leadership for policymaking, creating courses of content in the Tamang language for schools, and establishing Tamang University are his major ambitions. In a globalized world and an era of information, communication, and technology, digital faked information is causing suffering in the Indo-Asia Pacific. Netra hopes to work to control disinformation, misinformation, and deep fakes in the future. He has been involved in various tasks for the betterment of society and aims to incorporate any new skills and approaches learned from APLP into these activities back in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.  

Tenzin WEOSYAL (India) is a dedicated member of the Central Tibetan Administration. He holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Delhi University, along with a post-graduate diploma in environment and sustainable development from the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Tenzin also completed a specialized one-year program at Reitaku University in Japan. As the youngest Tibetan Welfare Officer in the history of the Central Tibetan Administration, he has overseen the overall welfare of over 300 Tibetan individuals residing in Darjeeling, a remote town in northeastern India. In pursuit of further growth, Tenzin seeks to enhance his leadership and communication skills through APLP and aims to leverage classroom learning and interactions with his peers and professors to become a more effective advocate for his community. Tenzin is deeply engaged in the non-violent Tibetan movement and advocates for the Middle Way approach in dealing with the current Chinese regime. He believes that securing genuine autonomy for Tibetans through this approach will not only transform Tibet-China relations but also inspire positive change worldwide. 

Beatrice YONG (Malaysia) is a multi-faceted professional, currently serving as the Marketing and Costing Manager at Bristol Group of Companies, a leading office manufacturing company in Asia. She also serves as the Strategy Director at Eats, Shoots & Roots, a Malaysian social enterprise dedicated to connecting people to nature through growing food. With a bachelor of laws from the University of Manchester, UK, and an MSc in management from Imperial College London, Beatrice brings over four years of experience as a Brand Strategic Planner at Ogilvy & Mather to her roles. In addition to her corporate and entrepreneurial endeavors, Beatrice is a columnist for a local newspaper, where she shares inspiring stories about food and farming. Through her participation in APLP, Beatrice aspires to sharpen her leadership skills and learn from the diverse collective wisdom of the cohort. She also eagerly anticipates diving into Hawai‘i’s natural wonders and agricultural traditions, fully immersing herself in the islands' vibrant cultural tapestry. And of course, she plans to catch a wave or two in surfing paradise! Ultimately, her goal is to contribute to the development of a more environmentally conscious and interconnected Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

Angel YSIK (Philippines) is a dedicated researcher and campaigner at the Environmental Justice Foundation, an international non-profit organization committed to safeguarding the environment and advocating for our fundamental human right to a secure environment. In the Philippines, she leads investigations into Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing practices and human rights violations among distant water fishers, collaborating closely with the Department of Justice on human trafficking cases involving fishers. With dual master of arts degrees in gender and peacebuilding from the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica, and in political science with a major in global politics from Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines, obtained through the Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship, Angel has a solid academic foundation. Over the past decade, she has dedicated her career to advancing gender equality and fostering community development in governmental and non-profit settings. Angel is a seasoned gender specialist, community organizer, peacebuilder, and researcher focusing on gender, migration, and human trafficking issues. Her goal is to advocate for decent work and the well-being of migrant fishers through policy advocacy and community mobilization, aiming to create a better future where their rights are protected.

Tshering ZAM (Bhutan) works with the National Land Commission Secretariat in the field of land administration and management in Bhutan. She has pursued her BSc degree from Delhi University and master's degree in geo-information science and Earth observation with specialization in land administration from the University of Twente in the Netherlands. As a Senior Land Registrar, Tshering plays a crucial role in overseeing land registration processes, ensuring accuracy, fairness, and transparency in land transactions. As a participant in the APLP, she aspires to engage in mutual learning and exchange, leveraging the diverse perspectives and experiences of other participants. Through this collaborative environment, she aims to strengthen her leadership abilities in fulfilling the goals of her agency.

The Asia Pacific Leadership Program (APLP) is proud to introduce the 2024 fellows of the 22nd cohort (Generation 22/G22). As a signature program of the East-West Center, the APLP has been bringing together diverse individuals who want to co-create a future that is peaceful, prosperous, and just for over 20 years. Through virtual and place-based learning, this year's 26 fellows from 17 countries practice leadership strategies that enhance personal, team, and community effectiveness.

Program Dates

  • Pre-Residency Virtual Connection: April 24-June19
  • Residency in Hawaii: June 20-August 16
    • includes a fellow-led field study within the Hawaiian Islands
  • Post-Residency Virtual Connection: August 17-September 13

Meet Generation 22

2024 Asia Pacific Leadership Program, Generation 22, Cohort
The fellows of the 2024 Asia Pacific Leadership Program. 26 fellows from 17 countries.
AFRIDI, Mahwish - 2024 APLP Fellow

Mahwish AFRIDI (Pakistan), a social entrepreneur at heart, is the founder of Femonics, a gender lab for inclusive socio-economic reforms serving communities since 2009. As a Technical Advisor for UN Women, she played an instrumental role in developing Pakistan's first ever women’s entrepreneurship policy, to foster an equitable entrepreneurial ecosystem. She has extensive experience with multinational corporations such as Facebook and Campos Creative Works, coupled with on-ground experience in serving communities. As Deputy Country Director at Hashoo Foundation, Mahwish collaborates with INGOs, government, and academia on impactful community projects across Pakistan. Through her social enterprises, Femonics and Naricst, she creates economic opportunities for women and advocates for gender-sensitive policy reforms. She is an executive board member in the Rawalpindi Chamber of Commerce and is involved in Facebook's Community Leadership Circles and USAID's Women Leadership in Trade Policy initiative. Notable endeavors include joining a global campaign to bridge the content gender gap on Wikipedia from Pakistan, and initiating policy initiatives for the protection and promotion of women-led indigenous crafts. From working with Afghan refugees to serving the women in the remotest areas of Pakistan, she is dedicated to driving positive change and empowering women in Pakistan.

BACHIKH, Asma - 2024 APLP Fellow

Asma BACHIKH (Morocco) is an international development professional with a background in water resources management. She currently works at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) as an investment associate focusing on water infrastructure projects in South and Southeast Asia. Asma previously worked for international organizations like the World Bank and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). She holds an MSc in water science policy and management from the University of Oxford and a Master of Law in China studies with a major in international relations and politics from Peking University. By joining the APLP Asma hopes to enhance her leadership skills, actively experiment with diverse leadership concepts and tools, foster personal growth, and cultivate a supportive community through experiential learning and real-world case studies in applied leadership. Her primary objective is to both learn from and enrich the collective diversity of the cohort, empowering each member to reach their full potential.

Pratibedan BAIDYA (Nepal) is a development professional working in the field of community development and humanitarian assistance. He has nearly two decades of professional experience in grassroot NGOs, INGOs, and UN Agencies in Nepal and abroad. He has worked with UN Agencies in Uganda, Sudan, and Somalia supporting refugees and poor and marginalized communities fighting hunger and exclusion. Back home, he supports local NGOs working in the fields of community empowerment, organizations of persons with disabilities (mostly psychosocial), and women-led grassroot organizations, by enhancing their capacities on fundraising, and organizational development. Nepal’s population is aging, and the social safety net is very poor. Pratibedan hopes to establish an organization focusing on the rights of senior citizens and demonstrate a model that could be replicated by the government and other organizations. As he is trying to shift his career into setting up a new project for senior citizens, Pratibedan is committed to actively participate in APLP and learn from the experience of participants from across the region.

Rup Kumar BK (Nepal) is a seasoned development professional currently serving as the Cluster Team Leader at United Mission to Nepal. In this role, he oversees an interdisciplinary team of project managers responsible for implementing development and humanitarian projects. With a master’s degree in rural development and certification in project management, Rup brings over a decade of experience managing projects ranging from development initiatives to emergency responses. His expertise lies in project management, capacity building, and stakeholder coordination. His notable achievements include the successful implementation of the Nepal Trade Integration Strategy in 2010, achieved through effective coordination with donors and government-line ministries. In addition, Rup has played a key role in initiating the government's enrollment process to expedite post-earthquake reconstruction efforts and contributed to peace-building initiatives by sharing learnings among NGOs in South Asia. Committed to fostering sustainable change, Rup is dedicated to advancing peace and prosperity in the Indo-Asia Pacific region through collaborative initiatives and impactful interventions.

Nan CHEN (China) is the Co-founder and Deputy Secretary-General of Zhilan Foundation, which provides small, flexible, and long-term funding support to frontline researchers and practitioners. In this role, Nan creates the funding and branding strategy for the foundation. Prior to joining the Zhilan Foundation, Nan earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Beijing University of Technology in 2005; worked as a journalist, brand, and PR consultant for more than 10 years; and co-founded a local PR agency. Nan aims to continue to work with the foundation to enlighten more frontline conservationists to protect China's biodiversity and the Earth and support them in sharing their community-based local conservation experience with people in Indo-Asia Pacific region.

Tomomi CHINEN (Japan) has been a member of the Okinawa Prefectural Board of Education for 20 years. She has a bachelor of arts degree from Oberlin University in Tokyo in English, and American language and literature.  She currently teaches at Naha Kokusai Senior High School. During her teaching career, Tomomi has worked on numerous exchange programs. She was a chaperone of the Hawaii-Okinawa High School Student Exchange Program in 2009, the 1st Kumejima-Konawaena High School Student Exchange Program in 2013, and many more. She hopes to improve her leadership skills during APLP, as well as learn how to unite members and deal with the social issues in the Asia-Pacific regions by immersing herself in the program’s many multi-field classes. As a participant, her goal is to enhance her skills and career and to contribute to society as an English teacher of future generations in the Asia-Pacific region. She also hopes to contribute to the diversity of the participants and to help all the members achieve their goals. 

Yumiko "Yumi" CRISOSTOMO (Marshall Islands) is a Program Officer from Ebeye, Kwajalein supporting the implementation of Marshall Islands/World Bank (RMI/WB) projects ranging from infrastructure to early childhood development. She played a key role in the development of the Ebeye Seawall Project funded under the RMI/WB PREPII Project; this is a major response to climate change by local leadership, the communities, and the RMI Government. She graduated with a BA in health science from the University of Hawai‘i Hilo, with a diploma from the Australian National University in international environmental law and policy and, through work, has gained experiences in project management, planning, safeguards, and policy development. She helped Kwajalein by successfully managing an RMI/ADB Fixtures Project which installed and connected 126 households to the salt water and sewage network systems; building restrooms servicing 1,500 people. There is now improved data on water-borne diseases and safety of children and women. As an APLP participant, she looks forward to gaining better leadership skills and helping participants plan and think strategically to achieve their goals

Mahima DUGGAL (India) is a doctoral researcher at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg, and an Associated Research Fellow at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) in Stockholm. Previously, she was an Associate Fellow at the Centre for Air Power Studies (CAPS), the think tank of the Indian Air Force, in New Delhi. Ms. Duggal is a former Fellow of the Emerging Leaders program of the National Institute of Unification Education (Ministry of Unification of South Korea), as well as the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Centre for Security Studies (DKI-APCSS) in Hawai‘i. She holds a master’s in international security from the University of Warwick. Ms. Duggal’s work is focused on promoting peace and security in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region, with her current project investigating Europe’s engagement with the region. Through interactions with the diverse cohort of the APLP, Ms. Duggal hopes to proactively engage with challenges facing the region and build leadership capacities to address them. 

Nikka GUNADHARMA (Indonesia) is part of the communications team of Konservasi Indonesia (KI) in the Sahul-Papua Ecoregion, with a focus on both marine and terrestrial conservation programs in Raja Ampat, South Sorong, and the Provinces of Southwest and West Papua in general. Nikka studied law, focusing on international humanitarian law and as an undergraduate student was always passionate about socio-political activism. Over 14 years, he moved eastward from Java to Bali and eventually to Papua, working with local communities on nature conservation and natural resources management. Participating in APLP would positively contribute to his future work for KI and, hopefully, the local communities in Papua. Nikka plans work with these communities to refine their local wisdom and develop the capacity to preserve Papua’s natural beauty and sustainably manage its abundant natural resources. He firmly believes that climate justice can only be achieved through multiple sectors implemented in parallel and that it should also include the right to benefit from environmental services and to participate in the decision-making process regarding natural resources.

HATCHER, Jase - 2024 APLP Fellow

Jasetyn “Jase” HATCHER (USA) is a Senior Campaigner on the Oceans Team at Friends of the Earth, an international environmental organization dedicated to bold systems change for people and planet. Master’s qualified in conflict resolution, transformation, and management (Conflictology) through the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Jase has over 10 years of global experience spanning public policy, nonprofit services, and public education. She is passionate about co-creating strategies for systems change inclusive of all identities (e.g. gender/sexual, religious, ethnic, racial, ability) that hold corporations and governments to account and empower historically excluded communities. She is a dual resident of the US and Aotearoa (New Zealand) and spent most of her adult life living and working in Aotearoa, South Korea, and Ecuador. Jase is committed to leading transformative policy and systems reform alongside communities most impacted by climate change worldwide, with a special focus on the Arctic and Indo-Asia-Pacific regions.

Liah JOHN (Vanuatu) is the Acting Secretary General of the SHEFA Provincial Government Council since September 2022. After completing a bachelor of arts degree in social work and sociology in 2009 at the University of the South Pacific and Swinburne University of Technology in Australia, Liah secured a scholarship to complete a master of arts degree in social policy and administration at the University of the South Pacific in 2015. She is passionate about community development and the approaches of government and its stakeholders to service delivery. In past jobs, Liah worked mainly in livelihood programs and coordination of community-driven local development activities. She spent five years in private sector, four years in non-government organizations (NGO) and the last seven years with the Government of Vanuatu working on policy formulation on government service delivery. She has strong communication skills and strategic approaches to planning, implementation, coordination and reporting of service delivery, and ensuring that good governance is upheld.

“Liza Mary” MAY THET THET OO (Myanmar) is a member of UNICEF Myanmar Country Office, Education Officer for Early Learning. She has a master’s of communicative English from Ramkhamhaeng University in Bangkok, Thailand. Language, culture, and traditions are her passions, as well as embracing diversity. In her professional position, Ms. May Thet Thet Oo has helped with policy and strategic planning of early childhood care, development, and interventions. She hopes to improve her leadership skills during APLP, as well as learn how to reach a consensus by immersing herself in the program’s many multi-field classes. As a participant her goal is to learn from and contribute to the diversity of the cohort and to help all the members achieve their goals.

Nor Fadilah MOHAMED NIZAR (Malaysia) started her career working in various Ministries for the Government of Malaysia. In 2015, Fadilah chose to focus on women’s empowerment initiatives in Malaysia. Presently, she holds the position of Founder & Director of Jeiwa Global Resources, and introduced the brand “Tiffin Jeiwa”, a high-quality hand-painted stainless steel homeware. Operated on a social enterprise model, all products are hand painted with non-toxic colors, by members of vulnerable communities such as people with disabilities, domestic violence survivors, and artisans who lost their source of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Profit from the social enterprise is channeled to fund the Johor Empowerment of Intellectual Women Association (JEIWA), an organization to empower women by giving hope, love, and solutions to whatever situation a woman might face. Its main mission is to empower women towards creativity and self-development, and in turn contribute to national development. 

NEHA (India) is a lawyer and sustainability expert focused on “People, Planet, and Prosperity”.  As a former international civil servant, Neha has been involved in international affairs, multilateral diplomacy, policymaking, and development efforts towards SDGs on a global scale. Founder and CEO of FemTech Partners and the author behind "One Stop: The Untold Story of Super Apps", her expertise lies in advocating for financial inclusivity, gender equality, and sustainability within the fintech landscape. With a robust background in financial regulations and international affairs, Neha's work stands as a driving force advocating for technology's role in reshaping finance, empowering voices, and fostering a more equitable and sustainable future in the fintech sphere.

Satoko OSHIRO (Japan) is a member of the Okinawa Peace Assistance Center in Okinawa, Japan. She has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of the Ryukyus. Over the past six years, Satoko has dedicated herself to advancing in the field of global education. She desires to develop her leadership abilities and give back to her organization and community. She is eager to contribute to mutual learning with the APLP participants from the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. Additionally, as part of her personal journey of exploration, she aims to forge deeper connections with the Uchinanchu community—comprising Okinawan immigrants and their descendants—in Hawai‘i. 

Rosalvina “Rosi” OTALORA CORTES (Colombia) is a research professor at the Law School of the Libre University of Colombia and a member of the Research Group on Labor Law and International Standards. She coordinates the research in economy, conflict, and peace in the student group (Semillero). She is also a Rotary Peace Fellow and Global Peace Index Ambassador (Institute for Economics and Peace, IEP). As an educator and peacebuilder, she hopes to strengthen her leadership skills to contribute to the development of leadership for peace in her country. At APLP she wants to contribute her experience and learn from the wonderful cultural exchange that the program provides.

Md Harun Or RASHID (Bangladesh) is a young bureaucrat working as a Senior Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Public Administration. He has a master of public policy from the National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Japan and an MSc in maritime affairs from the World Maritime University in Sweden. In his professional position, Mr. Harun served as an administrative head of a sub-district in Bangladesh where he played a vital role in developing primary education in rural areas. He hopes to improve his leadership skills during APLP, as well as learn how to build relationships for creating a better world with other emerging leaders from different countries. 

Astra RUSHTON-ALLAN (New Zealand) is a Senior Project Manager - Climate Ocean Policy at Climateworks Centre based in Melbourne, Australia. She has a bachelor of arts (honors) in anthropology from the University of Auckland. In her professional position, Miss Rushton-Allan works with the government in Indonesia to raise the ambition of their next nationally determined contribution under the Paris Agreement. She hopes to improve her leadership skills during APLP, as well as learn how to embed place-based theory into her work, by immersing herself in the program’s many multi-field classes. As a participant in APLP her goal is to learn from and contribute to the diversity of the cohort and to help all the members achieve their goals. 

Anastasha SCHIELZETH (USA) is a counselor and practitioner in private practice and serves as a facilitator and consultant in the community, prioritizing ‘whole-listic’ health and well-being. She is currently an ally and steward of Puʻuhonua O Punanaʻula, a wahi pana dedicated in fostering life, hope, and healing for all people. After earning her master’s in counseling psychology from Bastyr University, Anastasha returned to Hawai‘i in 2019 to give back to the communities that shaped her, thus reconnecting with our first ancestor, ʻāina. Her work has since grown alongside AANHPI youth, families, and community members across various sectors such as the Hawai‘i Department of Education, mental health initiatives, place-based learning, and emerging technologies. Her approach centers on storytelling, expressive arts, and trauma & healing-informed care rooted in Aloha. She has collaborated with organizations such as, Kaʻala Cultural Learning Center, PLACES Hawaii, Purple Maiʻa Foundation, Compassionate Ko‘olaupoko, and Kōkua Kalihi Valley. Anastasha believes that cultivating a Puʻuhonua— a sanctuary within – is at the core of our health and wholeness. As an emerging leader, she is grateful to continue to lead a life well-loved and actively restore hope for the next generation to thrive.

Pratibha SINGH (New Zealand) is the Survey Engagement and Operations Lead at the Human Rights Measurement Initiative (HRMI), a global collaboration between human rights practitioners and measurement experts to track the performance of governments around the world as per their international legal obligations. Ms. Singh holds a master of indigenous studies with first class honors and a bachelor of global studies from Waipapa Taumata Rau, the University of Auckland. She has over half a decade of professional and volunteer leadership experience in social and environmental justice spaces, having been part of organizing an international peace conference, establishing community spaces, and representing youth in various international fora, including the 4th Asia Europe Foundations Young Leader’s Summit. In 2018, she was selected as one of top 100 changemakers globally by Future Talks Foundation to host the Future of Peace session at the Oslo conference and undertake an expedition to the Arctic. She hopes to deepen collaborative research practices through stronger relationship-building and center anti-oppressive and decolonial aims. She looks forward to being in community with other APLP fellows and practicing transformative leadership strategies to bring forth a more just future. 

Kert STAVORN (Malaysia) is a partner of Haris & Associates and Capital 9 Ventures. He is also the co-founder of Thai Legaltech X, a community of like-minded lawyers and technologists working at the intersection of law. Kert is a lawyer interested in how emerging technologies can help create greater access to justice, particularly for marginalized and indigenous communities in the Asia Pacific region and consults in ESG matters and promote conscious and sustainable investment. From the technology side, He is keen to ensure that minority groups do not become further marginalized by the inevitable rise of AI, and that the redistribution of benefits of AI is shared fairly. Kert’s vision for the future is one where AI is used to serve humanity efficiently but justly; where everyone, irrespective of their background, can live fulfilling and purposeful lives for the betterment of humankind.

Netra TAMANG (Nepal) is a senior reporter at With a master’s degree in mass communication and journalism, he has over 10 years of experience in journalism, writing, and social service. He is an IRE Conference Fellow-2020, organized by the Missouri school of Journalism. He has written 20 illustrated story books for children. His future goals include educating girls and children and elevating his career as an editor in the newsroom. He also aims to serve the Tamang community, which has 1.6 million people in Nepal. Getting involved in leadership for policymaking, creating courses of content in the Tamang language for schools, and establishing Tamang University are his major ambitions. In a globalized world and an era of information, communication, and technology, digital faked information is causing suffering in the Indo-Asia Pacific. Netra hopes to work to control disinformation, misinformation, and deep fakes in the future. He has been involved in various tasks for the betterment of society and aims to incorporate any new skills and approaches learned from APLP into these activities back in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.  

Tenzin WEOSYAL (India) is a dedicated member of the Central Tibetan Administration. He holds a bachelor’s degree in physics from Delhi University, along with a post-graduate diploma in environment and sustainable development from the Indira Gandhi National Open University. Tenzin also completed a specialized one-year program at Reitaku University in Japan. As the youngest Tibetan Welfare Officer in the history of the Central Tibetan Administration, he has overseen the overall welfare of over 300 Tibetan individuals residing in Darjeeling, a remote town in northeastern India. In pursuit of further growth, Tenzin seeks to enhance his leadership and communication skills through APLP and aims to leverage classroom learning and interactions with his peers and professors to become a more effective advocate for his community. Tenzin is deeply engaged in the non-violent Tibetan movement and advocates for the Middle Way approach in dealing with the current Chinese regime. He believes that securing genuine autonomy for Tibetans through this approach will not only transform Tibet-China relations but also inspire positive change worldwide. 

Beatrice YONG (Malaysia) is a multi-faceted professional, currently serving as the Marketing and Costing Manager at Bristol Group of Companies, a leading office manufacturing company in Asia. She also serves as the Strategy Director at Eats, Shoots & Roots, a Malaysian social enterprise dedicated to connecting people to nature through growing food. With a bachelor of laws from the University of Manchester, UK, and an MSc in management from Imperial College London, Beatrice brings over four years of experience as a Brand Strategic Planner at Ogilvy & Mather to her roles. In addition to her corporate and entrepreneurial endeavors, Beatrice is a columnist for a local newspaper, where she shares inspiring stories about food and farming. Through her participation in APLP, Beatrice aspires to sharpen her leadership skills and learn from the diverse collective wisdom of the cohort. She also eagerly anticipates diving into Hawai‘i’s natural wonders and agricultural traditions, fully immersing herself in the islands' vibrant cultural tapestry. And of course, she plans to catch a wave or two in surfing paradise! Ultimately, her goal is to contribute to the development of a more environmentally conscious and interconnected Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

Angel YSIK (Philippines) is a dedicated researcher and campaigner at the Environmental Justice Foundation, an international non-profit organization committed to safeguarding the environment and advocating for our fundamental human right to a secure environment. In the Philippines, she leads investigations into Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing practices and human rights violations among distant water fishers, collaborating closely with the Department of Justice on human trafficking cases involving fishers. With dual master of arts degrees in gender and peacebuilding from the UN University for Peace in Costa Rica, and in political science with a major in global politics from Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines, obtained through the Asian Peacebuilders Scholarship, Angel has a solid academic foundation. Over the past decade, she has dedicated her career to advancing gender equality and fostering community development in governmental and non-profit settings. Angel is a seasoned gender specialist, community organizer, peacebuilder, and researcher focusing on gender, migration, and human trafficking issues. Her goal is to advocate for decent work and the well-being of migrant fishers through policy advocacy and community mobilization, aiming to create a better future where their rights are protected.

Tshering ZAM (Bhutan) works with the National Land Commission Secretariat in the field of land administration and management in Bhutan. She has pursued her BSc degree from Delhi University and master's degree in geo-information science and Earth observation with specialization in land administration from the University of Twente in the Netherlands. As a Senior Land Registrar, Tshering plays a crucial role in overseeing land registration processes, ensuring accuracy, fairness, and transparency in land transactions. As a participant in the APLP, she aspires to engage in mutual learning and exchange, leveraging the diverse perspectives and experiences of other participants. Through this collaborative environment, she aims to strengthen her leadership abilities in fulfilling the goals of her agency.