Professional Development Professional Development
Blue Economy Challenge | ブルーエコノミーチャレンジ Blue Economy Challenge | ブルーエコノミーチャレンジ

           Impactful Science                              Sustainable Tourism

           科学が社会を変える                            持続可能なツーリズム


The East-West Center HawaiiInnoDaysOkinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University and Okinawa Tourist Service, invite you to join the Blue Economy Challenge funded by the U.S. Embassy Tokyo.

To sign up or get more info, see our Blue Economy Challenge site powered by InnoDays.


最新情報及び詳細はInnoDaysのBlue Economy Challenge site powered by InnoDaysでご覧になれます。

The Blue Economy Challenge is a hands-on innovation training. During 12 weeks from September 28 to December 7 2022, Japanese university students and young professionals will gain skills, networks, and knowledge to tackle pressing ocean-related opportunities to kickstart the U.N. Ocean Decade. Two parts compose the program: (1) biweekly online training and (2) the 48-hour hackathon. The training complements the hackathon by preparing participants for the event and validating how the hackathon ideas will be converted into actual pilot projects. The program will run online. The best team will be selected for an Innovation Ecosystem and Investor Pitch free trip to Hawaii.



Opportunity for University Professors and Students
We are seeking university professors in Okinawa and from across Japan who are interested in integrating the Blue Economy Challenge into their course. All faculty and subjects are welcome. Teams are intentionally selected to be cross-disciplinary to address multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals. English will be the main language of the event but project work can be conducted in Japanese. We will also have key instructions translated. See Blue Economy Challenge site powered by InnoDays for how to integrate the Challenge in your course and what the benefits for your students are.



The 12-week program consists of six two-hours evening lessons. Every two weeks participants join a webinar. On in-between weeks OF the webinars, our academic partners and other experts, hold optional office hours to mentor participants as they engage in individual activities and teamwork. From November 4 – 6 participants join the virtual Blue Economy Challenge



Students’ Commitment
Participants will have to commit 12 hours to attend the webinars and 48 hours to attend the Blue Economy Challenge + 1-3 hours of weekly self-paced learning. Participants are expected to be present at least 80% of the time. 



Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers TO commonly asked by Professors and Participants considering joining on the website. There are past examples of Challenges on the website. You can also watch this video to get a better sense of the event.



Discuss with Us

Please feel welcome to contact and talk with us in English or Japanese to learn more. 

English: Christina Monroe [email protected]

Japanese: Daniel Chinen [email protected]



英語:クリスティーナ・モンロー([email protected]

日本語:ダニエル・チネン([email protected]


           Impactful Science                              Sustainable Tourism

           科学が社会を変える                            持続可能なツーリズム


The East-West Center HawaiiInnoDaysOkinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University and Okinawa Tourist Service, invite you to join the Blue Economy Challenge funded by the U.S. Embassy Tokyo.

To sign up or get more info, see our Blue Economy Challenge site powered by InnoDays.


最新情報及び詳細はInnoDaysのBlue Economy Challenge site powered by InnoDaysでご覧になれます。

The Blue Economy Challenge is a hands-on innovation training. During 12 weeks from September 28 to December 7 2022, Japanese university students and young professionals will gain skills, networks, and knowledge to tackle pressing ocean-related opportunities to kickstart the U.N. Ocean Decade. Two parts compose the program: (1) biweekly online training and (2) the 48-hour hackathon. The training complements the hackathon by preparing participants for the event and validating how the hackathon ideas will be converted into actual pilot projects. The program will run online. The best team will be selected for an Innovation Ecosystem and Investor Pitch free trip to Hawaii.



Opportunity for University Professors and Students
We are seeking university professors in Okinawa and from across Japan who are interested in integrating the Blue Economy Challenge into their course. All faculty and subjects are welcome. Teams are intentionally selected to be cross-disciplinary to address multiple UN Sustainable Development Goals. English will be the main language of the event but project work can be conducted in Japanese. We will also have key instructions translated. See Blue Economy Challenge site powered by InnoDays for how to integrate the Challenge in your course and what the benefits for your students are.



The 12-week program consists of six two-hours evening lessons. Every two weeks participants join a webinar. On in-between weeks OF the webinars, our academic partners and other experts, hold optional office hours to mentor participants as they engage in individual activities and teamwork. From November 4 – 6 participants join the virtual Blue Economy Challenge



Students’ Commitment
Participants will have to commit 12 hours to attend the webinars and 48 hours to attend the Blue Economy Challenge + 1-3 hours of weekly self-paced learning. Participants are expected to be present at least 80% of the time. 



Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers TO commonly asked by Professors and Participants considering joining on the website. There are past examples of Challenges on the website. You can also watch this video to get a better sense of the event.



Discuss with Us

Please feel welcome to contact and talk with us in English or Japanese to learn more. 

English: Christina Monroe [email protected]

Japanese: Daniel Chinen [email protected]



英語:クリスティーナ・モンロー([email protected]

日本語:ダニエル・チネン([email protected]