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Maximizing Digital Presence for Social & Environmental Impact: An EWC Program in Brazil with Estudio Biabi Maximizing Digital Presence for Social & Environmental Impact: An EWC Program in Brazil with Estudio Biabi
Virtual Virtual
Lance Boyd
(808) 944-7477 (808) 944-7477

Breaking Silos with #EWCInnovationFellows 2021 Episode 13

Maximizing Digital Presence for Social & Environmental Impact: An EWC Program in Brazil with Estudio Biabi

Tuesday , October 19, 2021 | 7:00-8:00am, Brazil

This webinar features an EWC program in Brazil with Estudio Biabi, where participants will learn about initiatives that seek to cause social or environmental impact by improving their online presence.

Estudio Biabi is a collective of self-employed communication professionals who came together to create the Nox Project. With the advancement of technology, the use of digital media for communication has increased more and more due to the speed and delivery of products and services. Therefore, they believe that, by using quality communication together with digital marketing to create strategic plans and digital products, they can improve the sources of income for socially and environmentally important initiatives in need, especially during global pandemic.

This webinar features Marina Freitag, a Master's student in Communication and Creative Industry and Bachelor’s in Cinema and Audiovisual. Marina has an academic and professional background in integrating various communication activities. She has knowledge in audiovisual research and production, business management, design, communication and digital marketing. Her most important professional experiences were in the areas of Digital Marketing and Communication, having achieved leading positions in these areas.

For more information, please visit


 Featured Speaker: 




Breaking Silos with #EWCInnovationFellows 2021 Episode 13

Maximizing Digital Presence for Social & Environmental Impact: An EWC Program in Brazil with Estudio Biabi

Tuesday , October 19, 2021 | 7:00-8:00am, Brazil

This webinar features an EWC program in Brazil with Estudio Biabi, where participants will learn about initiatives that seek to cause social or environmental impact by improving their online presence.

Estudio Biabi is a collective of self-employed communication professionals who came together to create the Nox Project. With the advancement of technology, the use of digital media for communication has increased more and more due to the speed and delivery of products and services. Therefore, they believe that, by using quality communication together with digital marketing to create strategic plans and digital products, they can improve the sources of income for socially and environmentally important initiatives in need, especially during global pandemic.

This webinar features Marina Freitag, a Master's student in Communication and Creative Industry and Bachelor’s in Cinema and Audiovisual. Marina has an academic and professional background in integrating various communication activities. She has knowledge in audiovisual research and production, business management, design, communication and digital marketing. Her most important professional experiences were in the areas of Digital Marketing and Communication, having achieved leading positions in these areas.

For more information, please visit


 Featured Speaker: 
