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Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative - Institute for Natural Resource Managers Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative - Institute for Natural Resource Managers
In-person In-person
Lori Concepcion
944-7732 944-7732

Funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the East-West Center hosts Environmental Leadership Institutes under the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) and Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI).  The vision of the Institutes is to develop a vibrant network of young leaders connected to the U.S. who are equipped to create innovative solutions to 21st century environmental challenges.  Participants are competitively selected from U.S. Embassies in Southeast Asian countries for the 5-week institutes that travel to Honolulu, Oakland and San Francisco Bay Area, and Washington DC. Participants learn about the environment through experiential methods and build leadership skills through active learning. They work in teams with U.S. businesses, NGOs, and government agencies to design crowdfunding campaigns, challenge prizes, accelerators, and leadership retreats that can then be delivered with community partners in their home communities. A key outcome of the institute is to create home country projects with proposals for the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund, a $25,000 grant awarded competitively to State Department alumni and $20,000 Seeds for the Future YSEALI grant competition. 

Program activities are not open to the general public.

Funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the East-West Center hosts Environmental Leadership Institutes under the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) and Study of the U.S. Institutes (SUSI).  The vision of the Institutes is to develop a vibrant network of young leaders connected to the U.S. who are equipped to create innovative solutions to 21st century environmental challenges.  Participants are competitively selected from U.S. Embassies in Southeast Asian countries for the 5-week institutes that travel to Honolulu, Oakland and San Francisco Bay Area, and Washington DC. Participants learn about the environment through experiential methods and build leadership skills through active learning. They work in teams with U.S. businesses, NGOs, and government agencies to design crowdfunding campaigns, challenge prizes, accelerators, and leadership retreats that can then be delivered with community partners in their home communities. A key outcome of the institute is to create home country projects with proposals for the Alumni Engagement Innovation Fund, a $25,000 grant awarded competitively to State Department alumni and $20,000 Seeds for the Future YSEALI grant competition. 

Program activities are not open to the general public.