EWC Research Speaker Series EWC Research Speaker Series
EWC Insights: Counting Women's Work: What have we learned? EWC Insights: Counting Women's Work: What have we learned?
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EWC Insights presents
"Counting Women's Work: What have we learned?"

Dr. Gretchen Stockmayer Donehower
Adjunct Senior Fellow, East-West Center

The Counting Women's Work (CWW) project began in 2014 to measure the gender dimensions of economies. This involves studying the market work that is usually included in definitions of economic activity and adding the unpaid care work that is often left out when we talk about "work." In this talk, Dr. Gretchen Stockmayer Donehower will review CWW results from research teams in over 20 countries, demonstrating that unpaid care work is a huge part of what sustains our economies and societies, most of it is done by women, it has distinctly different age patterns in different countries, and including it in economic estimates changes our understanding of the economic challenges of population aging. Making unpaid care work visible is relevant to understanding policy blindspots in human capital and infrastructure investment, population aging, and labor force participation.

About the Speaker
Gretchen Stockmayer Donehower is a research specialist with the Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging at the University of California at Berkeley and an adjunct senior fellow of the East-West Center. She works with the National Transfer Accounts project (ntaccounts.org) which is focused on understanding the age dimension of economic activity and she is the Principal Investigator of the Counting Women’s Work Project (countingwomenswork.org). Counting Women’s Work adds a gender perspective to economic analysis by disaggregating National Transfer Accounts estimates by sex and including the value of unpaid care services and housework, overlooked by most economic monitoring systems. She has worked as a statistician in private industry, and was a mathematics teacher in the US Peace Corps in Nepal.

EWC Insights presents
"Counting Women's Work: What have we learned?"

Dr. Gretchen Stockmayer Donehower
Adjunct Senior Fellow, East-West Center

The Counting Women's Work (CWW) project began in 2014 to measure the gender dimensions of economies. This involves studying the market work that is usually included in definitions of economic activity and adding the unpaid care work that is often left out when we talk about "work." In this talk, Dr. Gretchen Stockmayer Donehower will review CWW results from research teams in over 20 countries, demonstrating that unpaid care work is a huge part of what sustains our economies and societies, most of it is done by women, it has distinctly different age patterns in different countries, and including it in economic estimates changes our understanding of the economic challenges of population aging. Making unpaid care work visible is relevant to understanding policy blindspots in human capital and infrastructure investment, population aging, and labor force participation.

About the Speaker
Gretchen Stockmayer Donehower is a research specialist with the Center on the Economics and Demography of Aging at the University of California at Berkeley and an adjunct senior fellow of the East-West Center. She works with the National Transfer Accounts project (ntaccounts.org) which is focused on understanding the age dimension of economic activity and she is the Principal Investigator of the Counting Women’s Work Project (countingwomenswork.org). Counting Women’s Work adds a gender perspective to economic analysis by disaggregating National Transfer Accounts estimates by sex and including the value of unpaid care services and housework, overlooked by most economic monitoring systems. She has worked as a statistician in private industry, and was a mathematics teacher in the US Peace Corps in Nepal.